Streamline Pension Risk Transfer Operations with AI

Unlock efficiency with AI in insurance. Transform Pension Risk Transfer operations
for streamlined workflows and smart decision-making.

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AI-Powered Assistants
for Every Use Case


Market Intelligence Assistant

Extract, access, and enrich Form 5500 and 10-K filings to find plans fit for PRT business.

Broker Query Assistant

Prepare context-sensitive answers to brokers’ queries– from AUM to currency conversion and more.

RFP Pricing Assistant

Extract complex parameters from RFPs to feed into analysis and workflows across the pricing process.

Plan Data Cleaner

Systematically structure, cleanse, and validate plan data from various sources (longevity data, economic data, etc.) in the context of the RFP, ensuring faster and more accurate pricing analysis.

Bid/No-Bid Assistant

Build a scorecard for intelligent deal assessment based on attributes such as deal size, plan complexity, and market intelligence.


Group Annuity Contract (GAC) Assistant

Create customized GACs based on template extracts from legal documents, RFP provisions, plan data, and pricing memos.

Onboarding Assistant

Structure, sanitize, and validate your onboarding data from various sources using an AI-enabled data transformation tool.

Annuitant Engagement Assistant

Generate personalized annuitant letters and other correspondence materials to ensure a smooth and personalized experience.

Plan Administration

Premium Adjustment Assistant

Periodically re-run checks on annuitants to determine necessary premium adjustments.

Life Audit Assistant

Automatically generates appropriate checks on annuitants based on longevity, third-party data sources, existing actuarial rules, and process triggers.

Valuation Assistant

Compose extracts of financials and other performance metrics for deal-specific reporting to finance.

Ready to transform your PRT operations?

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Resources to help you get started

Generative AI in Pension Risk Transfer: Introduction, and Key Use Cases

Warren Buffett famously noted that ‘someone’s sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago.’ Pension risk transfer, or PRT, did not just pop up overnight. It’s got history. Think of it as a response to a big problem: companies promising pensions they later find tough to keep. This dilemma […]

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Top AI Trends

Top AI Trends to Watch Out in Insurance and Pension Risk Transfer

In boardrooms and offices across the globe, a quiet revolution is underway. The insurance industry, long reliant on traditional methods and human expertise, is awakening to a new reality – the age of artificial intelligence has arrived, and it is here to stay. From the bustling streets of New York to the tech hubs of […]

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Buy-Ins vs Buy-Outs

Buy-Ins vs Buy-Outs in Pension Risk Transfer: A Detailed Study

Markets heave and dip like the swells of a restless ocean, unpredictable and ever-changing. Amid these swells, pension schemes are adrift, challenged by relentless waves of economic shifts and longer lives. Each year, the lives of retirees hang more precariously on decisions made not only with numbers but with nerve. In the heart of these […]

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